End Cap Displays


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Located at the end of store aisles, retail end cap displays are proven to lift sales and increase brand exposure due to their prime positioning along well-trafficked main aisles.

End cap display at retail

What is an End Cap Display?

End cap displays can be either freestanding or fixed displays at the end of an aisle that face a busy thoroughfare in a store.

Utilized often at retail and in the grocery sector, they’re an excellent choice for brands looking to highlight their name and product to a large audience. In fact, studies have shown end cap merchandising delivers an increase in product sales. Whether you're introducing a new collection, promoting seasonal offerings, or driving attention to specific items, end cap displays offer the perfect canvas to create an impactful shopping environment.

End Cap Display Applications

The use of end caps in stores can take many forms, depending on the specific type of retailer:

  1. Grocery stores: Custom end cap displays can be used to promote seasonal products, new launches or high-margin items in grocery stores and supermarkets. These can drive impulse buys by putting specific products front-and-center where shoppers can see them.
  2. Electronics retailers: Showing off the latest tech gadgets, accessories and bundled products is easy with end-of-aisle displays, where they help drive attention and sales.
  3. Cosmetics and beauty stores: End caps can highlight limited-time offers, new product launches or curated collections. This can appeal to customers shopping for the latest trends.

Why Choose a Retail End Cap Display?

  1. Prime Real Estate - End caps in retail stores are prime real estate on busy aisles.
  2. Impulse Purchases - Because of high traffic at the end of aisles, end cap displays get brands and products noticed and trigger impulse purchases.
  3. Brand Visibility - A well-designed end cap can reinforce brand identity and build customer loyalty.

Custom End Cap Display Spotlight

Custom End Cap Display Spotlight

Lovevery Retail End Cap Kit

Lovevery was expanding its line of educational toys into select Target stores and looked to display manufacturer Frank Mayer to design a three and four-foot kit that included a backer cover graphic, a header graphic, and colored shelf cover graphics.

The end cap display design needed to be easy for store associates to assemble and had to educate store shoppers about which products were developmentally appropriate for different age groups.

Retail store end cap display
Retail store end cap display

Lovevery Retail End Cap Kit

Lovevery was expanding its line of educational toys into select Target stores and looked to display manufacturer Frank Mayer to design a three and four-foot kit that included a backer cover graphic, a header graphic, and colored shelf cover graphics.

The end cap display design needed to be easy for store associates to assemble and had to educate store shoppers about which products were developmentally appropriate for different age groups.

Custom End Cap Displays

When it comes to expert end cap display design, Frank Mayer provides clients with all the customization options to gain customers’ attention. These include custom shelving configurations, digital signage integrations, branding elements and a wide range of durable materials. Our expertise ensures displays align with the client’s brand identity and retail objectives.

sunglasses counter display at retail

Types of Retail Displays

End caps are one of many store display options available to brands looking to capitalize on the benefits of visual merchandising. Read our complete guide to point of purchase displays.

Other End Cap Display Programs

Custom end cap displays boost brand awareness and sales. See examples of other end cap programs we’ve designed and manufactured over the years.

vitamix endcap display example

Vitamix End Cap

End cap paint display

PPG Nautica Paint Display

Interactive end cap display

Philips Hue End Cap Display

Other End Cap Display Programs

Custom end cap displays boost brand awareness and sales. See examples of other end cap programs we’ve designed and manufactured over the years.

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