This checklist is an excerpt from our Kiosk Buying Guide, a comprehensive handbook that walks you through the steps of deploying a kiosk program. Download the entire guide here.
Embarking on a digital kiosk program can feel overwhelming at first. From outlining objectives and budgets to determining software and deployment options, there are many considerations to factor in when planning.
As a reputable kiosk manufacturer, Frank Mayer has helped guide many businesses through the process. This handy kiosk checklist features common questions we’ll ask when first discussing your kiosk project needs.
Having the answers to these questions will direct the initial conversation. But rest assured, your account representative will also help you determine the options that are right for your kiosk program objectives.
This kiosk checklist is meant to give you an overview of common inquiries your manufacturer will ask during discussions about your digital kiosk deployment. Reach out today with further questions or to talk about your next self-service program.