Why are displays so effective in the world of retail? The answer is simple: displays make a product accessible to shoppers.
By taking merchandise out of the box and setting it up on a display, customers can see, touch, and engage with the product. This interaction significantly increases the likelihood of making a sale.
However, it’s not just the ability to interact with product that engages the consumer. Displays themselves do more than just show off merchandise. They also act as brand extensions while boosting product visibility, amplifying brand messaging, and educating shoppers.
A display should tell a story to interact, educate, and encourage customers. Effective visual merchandising considers color, lighting, layout, and signage to create a unique display. Exciting graphics and appealing visuals not only highlight features and benefits but can also boost brand image.
Remember that a display advertises the brand just as much as it advertises a specific product. Therefore, a display should properly reflect a brand’s identity.
For example, a display for a company that specializes in sustainable products should also reflect the eco-friendliness of the brand’s message. Even before reading about the product or brand, consumers should be visually greeted by the ambiance of the brand’s presence. Shoppers are instantly forming opinions about a brand from the first look.
Concise and compelling product information helps to educate consumers quickly. Nothing disrupts the purchasing decision more than a display where information is confusing or convoluted. It’s important to make sure a display is easy to navigate and assists customers in making a buying decision.
Interactive elements, such as touchscreens, can create a unique and memorable shopping experience that can also increase customer engagement.
A thorough understanding of how these touchscreens or monitors would be serviced and maintained is essential, but the interaction that these screens offer is expansive, involving customers in the process of brand and product education.
An additional interactive element to consider is the use of QR codes on your display that can link your customer to additional product details and interactive content on a website.
Successful display interaction can streamline the buying process and lead to increased sales, customer feedback and valuable insights for future merchandising strategies.
Permanent POP displays do need to be updated from time to time, as seasons, products, brands, and even technology changes.
If the shelf-life of your display is beyond a year in the field, which is generally the case for permanent retail displays, the ability to easily change those displays with new products and graphics enables them to stay fresh and continue to generate sales throughout their life.
These updates can take many forms, and it’s beneficial to prepare for the eventual evolution that will take place over a display’s lifetime. By doing so, the display can continue to best serve its purpose to merchandise new products and adapt to the times.
Software can oftentimes be adjusted remotely, allowing for any needed updates. Hardware can be serviced and replaced as needed, too. New monitors can be installed and SD cards can be regularly swapped out in order to advertise a brand’s most recent products.
Since permanent displays will likely see multiple products and product generations, having the ability to switch-out graphics over time makes the most sense, both practically and economically. This can be easily achieved using magnetic graphics.
As products change, it may become necessary to replace specific brackets or holders. Planning ahead for this eventuality means displays are designed to make these change-outs as painless as possible.
When all is said and done, how can a brand or business know if a display is working effectively for them and their products? Tracking ROI (Return on Investment) will give necessary insight to understanding the effectiveness of a merchandising display. Collecting customer feedback and comparative sales data will assist you in determining if the display is indeed converting interest into sales.