Essential Steps for a Successful Point of Purchase Display Rollout

5 minutes
Cheryl Lesniak
successful point of purchase project

Essential Steps for a Successful Point of Purchase Display Rollout

5 minutes
Cheryl Lesniak
successful point of purchase project

Deploying a point of purchase (POP) display program can be daunting. Brands come in with many questions about the process and strategies for success as well as timeline concerns. While programs won’t look the same for every business, there are basic guidelines that can be applied. Let’s break down the steps to a successful POP display rollout.

Have Clear Objectives

It would be easy to write off a display’s only purpose as simply “making a sale.” However, while increasing sales is usually the most important objective, it’s not the only one.

POP displays can also create excitement surrounding new product launches and cross-promotions. If the main objective of a display is to promote a new product or service, it’s common to see entire displays focused on a specific offer or item versus various products or corporate branding.

In other instances, displays can be a great way to cross-sell and upsell by recommending accessories or suggesting other products to pair with the items on display.

They can also be educational and help customers make informed purchasing decisions by highlighting a product’s purpose, laying out a brand’s mission, or explaining why a product is a better choice than a competitor’s.

The most important thing brands can do when outlining objectives is to choose specific goals that align with their overall marketing strategy.

Design Attractive, Easy-to-Shop Displays

Do brands want their names and products to be obvious and clearly visible to customers? Of course. The real question is how brands achieve this.

In our article “Designing Kiosks to Stand Out,” we highlight the important role design plays in making a kiosk more prominent. Many of those same design aspects can be applied to creating a successful POP display, too.

First and foremost, when designing a retail display, it’s important for it to reflect the brand identity. After that, consider product messaging and what’s relayed to consumers about a product. Does the display aid in getting this message across?

Colors and imagery play a large role here. Using soft colors for spa products or vibrant environmental imagery for outdoor products makes sense over other options that don’t fit the overall vibe.

Simple and straightforward messaging is key to communicating a product’s benefits and makes it easy for shoppers to understand use and make a purchase without having to seek assistance.

It’s not simply about drawing attention to the brand or product. It’s also about maintaining the consumers’ interest. Inviting consumers to make a tactile connection using interactive features can leave an impression and lead to better recall. This includes both hands-on experiences with merchandise as well as interactive elements that engage customers, like touchscreens or sound.

Use Quality Material

Choosing durable materials for a point of purchase display is straightforward, however, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

First, determine how long a display will be placed in-store. This will depend on how long retailers have agreed to dedicate their floor or counter space to the display.

POP displays intended for use under three months are considered temporary displays, while displays meant to last more than a year are permanent. Anything in-between is semi-permanent. The categories have their own recommended building materials, ranging from corrugated stock or thin plastic to wood or metal.

Another factor to consider is the product itself. Is it cumbersome? How much weight will the display have to hold? Will the product require any security measures? These all point to the proper materials to house the merchandise.

Lastly, the materials used for a display must hold up for their intended lifetime. The retail environment can be hard on displays. So, consider how it’s going to be treated once put into place. Will it be able to withstand high traffic, shopping carts, and the like? Ensure the materials used for the display are built to last.

Consider Timing, Shipping, and Installation

The display is designed and built, and now it’s time for the official rollout. Ideally, deployments should be planned at least a year before the actual installation date.

The lead time required for the design, prototype, and production of displays can be several months, along with having wiggle room for any needed tweaks.

When selecting shipping methods, cost, speed, and handling all come into play. Cost and speed are usually given a lot of attention. However, the importance of the physical process of shipping a display cannot be overstated.

It is critical to rely on an experienced vendor who has knowledge and experience packing and shipping to retail stores. Testing shipments before the rollout is also an effective way to ensure displays are being packed and shipped the best way possible.

Once the retail display arrives at the proper location, proper installation will be the next step. It’s important to work with the display vendor to provide proper installation guides, training videos and direction to the installation crews in advance of shipping. Know how many people and how long it will take to install a display at each store. This will help make for a more efficient installation experience.

Finally, when the store display is in the field, analyze the results. Evaluate the success of the POP display by measuring sales, customer feedback and any other relative data. Learn from the rollout experience and apply those lessons to improve future POP display projects. Be open to try bold new ideas in future projects.


Navigating an effective POP display rollout consists of understanding the purpose of the display, finding a way to draw attention to it, choosing quality materials to make it last, and using proper shipping and installation processes. Considering the steps above, a brand will be well on their way to designing a successful POP display for retail.

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